Monday 1 July 2024

Weeks 10 & 11 back in the UK

Tuesday walk and drinks with John

Two weeks since the last blog, and a lot longer than that since I last wrote one. So what have we been doing? 

The joys of life in the UK in summer. This is the canal in Alvechurch whilst walking home from the pub after 11pm one Sunday night. It's only just dark but still with enough daylight to see

A lot of waiting really, we’ve had almost 5 days of Simon, so we still haven’t got a patio, just lots of frustration. His father is ill, his son missed a couple of days of school, he’s got hay fever and a bad back. He’s had days when he’s had to be a carer, rest days and who knows what days. He’s turned up and gone away without getting out of the van due to a burst pipe at home, and then backed up drains. He’s not been here over the weekend, he’s uncontactable today and the slabs and some cement arrive tomorrow. The rest of the hardcore, some sand and the skip are still on the drive. We are trying to remain calm and yes, it’s a first world problem, it’s not life threatening, but it is very irritating and we go away in a week! 

We've gone as far as we can with the top of the garden and quite like our wavy path. Need lots of slate chippings which we can't do until the patio gets on further which, at current rate of work will take a long time!

I’ve finished my tedious job, so we have replaced the weed suppressing membrane and lightly spread the slate about. We need lots more, but drive space is at a premium and access is currently very difficult! 

Jackie finds a goat to stroke on our Earlswood walk

Apart from that we’ve had three proper Monday clubs, real people in real pubs with real beer which has been very pleasant. In conjunction with Sunday club and two walks with John our livers have had some work to do! 

Part of the walk was a bit overgrown

The first walk with John was meant to be with Keith too but he was poorly so we walked from the village to Earlswood and the Cider House (Bluebell). This is somewhere Brian used to drink in his youth though it has changed a lot and was, truth be told, a little disappointing. The beer was definitely lacking though the pint of cider was much better. The second pub, The Bulls Head was much more like it so a few more pints were imbibed. A short walk to the station and 2 trains however was replaced for time, cost and convenience by an Uber. See short Relive of our route with photos: click here  

Walking past Earlswood Lakes

The second walk was train to Kidderminster, and walk to Hartlebury via AJ’s for breakfast, Stourport on Severn and its docks, a couple of pints in the Hollybush before ending up in Hartlebury for three more. Despite the pub being on the railway platform the trains weren’t behaving, so again an Uber was summoned. See our short Relive video with photos: click here

Walking along the canal between Kidderminster and Hartlebury

We had a pleasant short walk on Thursday with the mountaineering club from the Hopwood House, though our walk to get there was almost as long as the walk itself it was lovely to catch up with lots of people. The food was average, but ok and apparently we were lucky to get any. Despite Helen popping in and booking a table for 20 at 19.30 when she did her recce we were late, unsurprisingly when you’ve got to organise that many people, what they hadn’t told her (or us when we looked in beforehand to see if they wanted us to order in advance) was the kitchen shut at 20.00! See our short Relive video with photos: click here

On our walk round Bittel Reservoir near Barnt Green with Solihull Mountaineering Club

We’ve been to Argentine tango on Saturday as well as Thursday evening, though I found a beginners lesson followed by an intermediate one a bit too much we are enjoying it. I’ve spent stupid amounts of time looking for shoes on the internet as there is just nowhere anywhere close that sells them. I am however very scared of spending well over £100 on shoes, with a very high heel without trying them on. 

At Nick and Jessica's wedding dressed in our finery. Jackie with Brian's daughter Fiona and two of her children, Becky and Jenny

We’ve had tetanus jabs, so apart from malaria pills we are set up for Kenya. Brian has had a skin check up, which was all clear, as was his colonoscopy. He’s also had new hearing aids which pleases me no end as I hate that he has no fall back ones. Except the new ones are physically painful to his ear and he doesn’t think set up quite right. He’s just gone to get them looked at, so that’s all good. 

And there's eldest granddaughter Abbie with boyfriend Matty

The highlight of this blog however will be Saturday and the wedding of Nick, Brian’s nephew and Jessica, his beautiful bride. This was a fusion wedding as Jessica’s family are Hindu, so we had a lot to learn. 

Nick leading the grooms procession in a sports car

We arrived at 11.00 as requested and had a lovely time meeting and greeting. The official proceedings all started with Nick arriving in a sports car for the Baraat Swagat just after 11.30, which involved all his friends and family dancing around the building to be welcomed by Jessica’s family before we went in for the ceremony. 

Having danced our way round the building we arrive at the brides party and the first ritual Nick has to go through

There were prayers and lots of ritual, including Madhuparka, the honouring of the groom where Jessica’s parents, Usha and Vijay clean Nick’s feet (though for this purpose his big toe) with honey, milk, yoghurt sugar and ghee. Obviously for this to happen Nick (and all the other participants) had removed their shoes, to enter the Mandap, or ‘covered structure with pillars’. These are then ‘stolen’ by the bride’s female family. To get them back he had to pay a good ransom, with the assistance of his groomsmen! 

Jessica's family with Usha and Vijay, her mum and dad in the centre

The Mandap pillars symbolise the 4 elements, earth, air, Fire and Water, the vedas or ancient sacred scriptures, and the bride and groom’s respected parents. These were blessed by the youngest female family members from each side, so 7 year old Ivy suddenly had an unexpected role which continued through the first part of the ceremony as she had to rub Nicks back, though I can’t for the life of me find out why! Edit: Ivy's mum, Steph has just messaged to say Ivy was apparently supposed to be hitting his back to keep him awake, so one of Jessica's aunt's told her!

They had a memorial table just inside for relatives no longer with us. Brian's mum and dad are on the left with Brian's son, Stuart who died on that day 27 years ago

Jessica then arrived, Kenya Aagman, on her own, after being called in by the priest, looking absolutely gorgeous, not that Nick could see her as they are separated by a cloth, dropped after a mantra. They then exchange garlands, Varmala, that represent the 24 virtues of human life, their hands are tied together by Usha and Vijay officially giving her hand in marriage and symbolising their acceptance of each other as life partners. Kandyadaan and Hasta melap. Tying the knot (joining the corners of their clothes) Granthi Bandhan symbolises the bond of marriage and their love and everlasting relationship. 

The Hindu ceremony inside the Mandap, itself inside a huge marquee. Seated is the best man, Vijay and Usha, Nick, Jessica and Ivy, just hidden. Fiona is about to whisper in Jessica's ear 

They then had to circle a sacred fire or Havan, four times to symbolise the core aspirations of married life, Righteousness, Prosperity, Happiness and Salvation. Agni puja and Mangal pheras. The first one to sit down at the end of the last round is meant to have the upper hand in the marriage. Did anyone tell Nick? They then took seven sacred steps reciting vows to each other, Saptapadi. They fed each other sweets to symbolise their first meal and that they will share everything they have in life, Kansar. 

Food and drink outdoors under the shade of an oak tree between ceremonies

Two married women from each side then had to go and whisper blessings and advice in Jessica’s ear, Akhand saubhagyavati. It was lovely to see Steph and Fiona also involved in the ceremony, along with Denise and Paul and the best man and matron of honour, (though there could have been a little more attention paid by some of the men to the socks they wore!) more blessings Ashrvaad and Vidaai and they are married. One quick group photo, and grooms side were sent off to get lunch while brides side had photos. 

Some of the men having a game of cricket, others playing croquet in another part of the grounds

We were very happy outside, with a light Indian lunch and the buckets of beer and free flowing fizz. Time for a quick round of cricket for some while Jessica, her father and most of her female family changed clothes (I think we missed out here) before we all took our seats, outside for the civil ceremony. 

Taking our seats for the afternoon civil ceremony. No photos of that, we were asked not to

A vision in white Jessica was walked down the aisle by her father, for a very lovely ‘normal’ wedding. Two lovely poems and although I found the first ceremony very interesting, I found the second more emotional, and they are married again. More time for drinking and chatting, grooms side photos before going in for the meal. A third outfit for Jessica and family (we definitely missed a trick here) Fabulous Indian food from a local restaurant and lots of wine. Speeches by both Usha and Vijay, Nick and Jessica, and of course, the best man interspersed the meal. 

The bride and groom

Suddenly it’s after 20.30 and the music is starting for the first dance. Three hours of ridiculous dancing, photos and fun then followed before it was all over and we made our way back to our B’n’B after a wonderful, wonderful day. I am glad there was a local Uber we managed to hop into as the party continued with the close family who were staying and Fi, James, the girls and Matty (Abbie’s boyfriend). We couldn’t stand the pace! 

Usha, the brides mother making her speech

We did however time collecting the car the following morning to perfection and spent a lovely time chatting to everyone packing up to return home. How the aunties who had been up at 04.00 for hair and makeup stayed up till 03.00 and were still making sense at 10.00 on Sunday morning I don’t know! 

Their first dance before we all got on the floor and danced the night away (after copious amounts of alcohol of all descriptions)

We were very tempted to go home and chill but we had said we might meet Alex and Rob at a climbing wall in Worcester to try out our new harnesses. We’d just set off when they messaged to say they were on their way, which was perfect timing for our journey. We had a good, though ‘quiet’ time. A reminder how much we enjoy climbing as we haven’t been for a very long time. 

Sunday  climbing  with Rob and Alex at Redpoint climbing centre Worcester

Brian is on his way back from his hearing aid appointment and apparently has had a message from Simon to say he’s been with his dad and has a migraine, but will try and get here this afternoon! Excuse number 32?

1 comment:

Steph B said...

Apparently Ivy was meant to be hitting his back to keep him awake! So one of Jessica’s aunties told me!

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