We were back at Abi’s on Thursday after Brian had a day to recover, not that he managed to get his blog done! Brian was taking down the lath and plaster in the bay window, as the plaster had been removed, despite her protestations, by the window fitter! The window fitters mate was coming round to plaster the ceiling and the window reveals. Brian can do many things, but plastering isn’t one of them, so we were trying to make it as quick and easy for him as possible. As it turns out, he said it would take Sunday, though speaking to Abi, it took Sunday, 4 hours on Monday evening, and 4 hours on Tuesday evening, it’s still not finished, and it’s a terrible job!
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Weekend at Brian's daughter Fiona & James'. Here's granddaughters Jenny and Becky with Oscar cat |
Saturday we went over to Fiona and James for in impromptu get together. Brian was quite determined we wouldn’t be up as late as last time, 04.00! It wasn’t, but 03.00 isn’t much better! We just had a lovely evening, lots of chat, and then going through some old documents that Brian and Denise took from their mom’s safe when she died, more than 20 years ago. He has scanned them all in, but Fiona is going to keep the originals. It was lovely to have Becky staying too, though she wasn’t meant to be, but had sadly been bitten by the dog she was sitting for so had a very bandaged hand.
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Sleepy Oscar cat |
It was so warm at the weekend, very unseasonably so, so after a huge fry up on Sunday morning we all went out for a bimble round the housing estate, which was really quite interesting. We needed to clear some internal space as we were due out in the evening for a Sunday tea club! Crystal thought we would go somewhere different, so we went to the Malaysian restaurant that I’d gone to the previous week when I went to the ballet. What she ordered for us was so different from what I had thought, it could have been somewhere entirely different!
It’s been a bitty week really, Brian has had Covid and flu jabs. I obviously am too young. He’s been to the dentist and to his Lynch Syndrome specialist, and I’ve had conversations with two GP’s about being ‘a woman of a certain age!’ Having got the Grant of probate, much time has been taken filling out the forms to transfer land to Jonathan and house to me. At least when you ring the land registry you actually get through quite quickly, except on a Friday, when apparently they are too busy to actually take any calls! Just when you really want to speak to them!
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Monday club meeting without Jill. LtoR: Martina, Jackie, Tim, Mark, Bill, Fiona and Brian |
We went out with the Monday Club boys, and Fiona and Martina (sadly no Jill) so that makes eating out 4 nights out of 5! Shocking. Just as well I’ve been doing some good ‘proper’ cooking early that week and late this! We have finally finished clearing out the garage at Birmingham Road, so we have nothing there finally, hurrah! Apart from much domestic stuff we have also booked a cruise! On the same ship we went to Norway on, but this time we are going from Southampton through the Med, through the Suez Canal, Egypt, India, the Maldives and flying home from the Seychelles just before Christmas. 33 nights to dress for. I haven’t got, and couldn’t carry 33 outfits, but I do have a surprising number of possibly suitable clothes. This wouldn’t be so bad, but we are with Denise and Paul tomorrow, hopefully doing the little wiring job Brian has been trying to since July and going to Spain on Monday to see Dad and Elizabeth. As ever time is crazily vanishing! And if this doesn’t make the Birmingham Road sale go through, when it’s most inconvenient, nothing will!
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