We left Bocas del Toro by water taxi for Boquete, at 1500m and
were met by Amy, with Pamela, our two Airbnb hostesses. They are a really nice
couple, very laid back and happy for us to use the hammock on the balcony, slob
out in the lounge on very comfy chairs and cook in the kitchen. 100m away is a
brewery with bar attached, that serves about 6 really good ales and has a great
atmosphere. It’s just a bit pricey, but so good it has to be used!
There’s also two very good ‘locals’ restaurants serving
inexpensive hearty food, a nice central square and plenty of cafes and
restaurants making this a smallish but very pleasant town. It also has a
splendid climate of cooler air, about 26°C, feeling hotter in the sun and
chilly at night, one night needing a sweater to go out.
The start of the Pipeline Trail (Walk no. 1) |
There are many things to do in and around Boquete, most of them
costing an arm and a leg, so we were careful what we selected. There is a rock
climbing crag nearby, cleaned and fixed up by a local who charges US$45 each
for a half day, including all gear and instruction, but as we don’t need
instruction it’s a bit pricey. We saw the crag from the bus and it did look
fabulous, a volcanic crag of very unusual shapes that would have been real fun,
but we couldn’t justify it.
One of the bridges on the trail |
Boquete (1500m), along with Cerro Punta (2000m altitude) are high
on the slopes of a volcano, Volcan Baru, standing at 3475m. It is considered
active, in that it last erupted in 1550, but today is heavily forested, with
changing flora at different altitudes, tropical forest at the bottom, with flora
we would recognise back home in the UK at the top, including dock leaves and
clover. Temperature at the top can be about freezing at night and 8-10°C in the
day, but the main reason for going up there is to be able to see two great
oceans from the summit, the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Pacific Ocean on
the other, one of only a couple of places in the world where that’s possible
while standing on firm ground.
A howler monkey watches from the trees |
Expensive activities range from guided volcano walks at US$130 per
person, or US$190 for a guided walk, camp at the summit overnight to see sunset
and sunrise, a nearby area that has zip lines and white water rafting on the
volcano rivers. Less expensive things to do is to hike the volcano on your own,
US$5 entrance fee, hike the Pipeline path, where one might see the rare Quetzal
bird, the national bird of Guatemala (well, we’re not that far away!) US$3
entrance (guide recommended, but absolutely not necessary), the Three
Waterfalls Walk and the Quetzales Sendero trail that runs between Cerro Punta
and Boquete. The Quetzales Sendero Trail was the one I really wanted to do,
hence the reason we booked one night in Cerro Punta so we could walk back.
First walk – Pipeline Trail
1000 year old tree (they say). How do they know? |
Nothing really much to say about this, it’s apparently a good
place to see Quetzals, but we didn’t see any (but perhaps we did). It’s on private land and meanders
through jungle, crossing several small rivers via bridges and ending at a
waterfall with an impressive drop but only enough water to provide a sprinkle.
We saw only a few other people on the trail, one couple ahead of
us (we let them go on ahead out of sight, so we could be quiet in the hope of
seeing birds and animals) and about half a dozen others coming back the other
Very pretty flowers |
One couple told us that ahead, just by a bridge is a Quetzal in a tree,
but it was gone when we got there. When we met the couple ahead at the
waterfall they told us they saw it but it flew off, which confirms that we
probably did see it flying into a nearby tree. It just looked like a medium
sized dark coloured bird in the distance to me, but Jackie was convinced, and
it fitted the timing of the one flying off near the couple ahead.
The waterfall at the end |
Anyway, we got to the waterfall, had lunch and wandered back,
spotting a couple of howler monkeys who stopped to peer down at us. Who was
observing who we wondered!
Got back to the start just as a collectivo van was waiting at the
entrance. We jumped in, paid our US$2 each and then went on up the lane to pick
up people from the Three Waterfall walk and then up to the end/start of the
Quetzales Sendero Trail (at least we know where it finishes now, ready for our
trip the day after tomorrow).
Trip to Cerro Punta
The next day (7th April) was our day to travel round to
Cerro Punta, leaving most of our luggage in Boquete so we could hike the trail
light. It’s a 3.5 hour bus journey on two busses, the first takes one hour to
go to the city of David in the south of Panama, near the Pacific, a mere 38km
and low in altitude (so it’s very hot!), then another 2.5 hour bus back up to
the other side of Volcan baru to the higher (2000m) town of Cerro Punta.
The old school bus to David |
busses are ‘local’ busses, stopping frequently along the routes to pick up
passengers and going very slowly, but at US$1.75 to David and US$3 to Cerro Punta,
pretty cheap as long as time isn’t a problem! A very scenic drive, going
through lots of very fertile farming land, suddenly onions, cabbage, potato and
other ‘normal’ things were all about us growing on ridiculously steep
Gudruns lovely house in Cerro Punta. On the right is the open lounge diner for guests with a big fireplace, left is the sauna/steam room, left again was our bedroom |
Jackie finds the hammock |
Got dropped off at the fuel station where we asked the driver to
phone Gudrun, our new Airbnb hostess her and got taken to her really nice house
with fabulous extension containing our en suite bedroom, a room with sauna and
steam room and another garden space with giant fireplace that Gudrun had
designed, comfy chairs and a low dining table, with fabulous views of the river
at the bottom of the garden and the surrounding mountains. We’d thought this
accommodation was expensive when we’d booked it, but it was worth every penny
and we really enjoyed our afternoon and evening there.
Wine and home cooked pizza in front of a roaring fire |
For an extra US$7.5 each
we had a bottle of red wine between us and a giant home-made pizza in front of
a roaring log fire. When the sun went down it was cold, and I hadn’t taken a
warm layer, so had to wrap up in a blanket and sit near the fire, but it was a
lovely evening. The bed had a thick duvet on it so we were really snug
overnight. It really felt as though we were in a four or five star place and
looked after so well! Breakfast the following morning was all home-made; toast, yoghurt, jams, and excellent coffee,
to make us ready for our hike.
The Quetzales Sendero Trail |
Gudrun driving off from the rangers hut after dropping us off |
For a US$10 fee, (taxi $15)Gudrun drove us in her four wheel drive
to the ranger station and highest point on the Quetzales Sendero Trail, 2500mher
lift saving us the initial 500m of ascent, which felt a bit like cheating,
particularly as we drove past a few people sweating their way up, but the
rangers station at the summit is the official start of the trail, so we can
still say we did it all, as it happened, all downhill! That’s why we did it
that way round, to avoid a day of uphill walking!
Here we go then... |
Walking downhill we saw the vegetation changing from cooler
climate flora to bamboo and then tropical rainforest, all with occasional amazing
vistas through the trees. Two thirds of the way down we stopped for the rest of
our pizza, still hoping we might spot some Quetzals, having only seen lots of
different small, but still interesting birds, but no big cats, which apparently
inhabit these areas.
Getting lower, we're into bamboo now |
There was another smaller trail leading off from the one
we were on so, after finishing our lunch Jackie suggested we go and have a look
along it. We walked about 100m and there on a branch right in front of us was a
darkish green medium sized bird with short tail feathers which Jackie
identified as a female Quetzal. I was unconvinced as I’d been led to believe they
were lighter green and quite big, but when it flew away we could clearly see
its very red breast, so she was right!
And here is a female Quetzal |
Further on we finally saw a male Quetzal, with its characteristic
very long green tail feathers, red breast and white lower front area. No
mistaking that! Then there was the female, possibly the one we saw earlier and
then another male, each singing, flying around the female and trying to impress
her. Finally! We were delighted and I have photographic proof, but sadly of
pretty amateurish quality from my very average camera (which incidentally has
now stopped working altogether, leaving me with an even more average phone
camera!). We did see another male Quetzal further on which was a much brighter
green, but it was too fast for me to get a photograph.
And there's a male in that tree |
We arrived at the end at the rangers hut to be told there would be
no collectivo bus coming, so we started to walk downhill towards the Three
Waterfalls Walk, only to meet a collectivo coming up. Result! Got back to
Pamela and Amy’s mid-afternoon happy people.
This is what they should look like |
Now have a look at this Youtube clip of video I took. It's not very good, but it's also not very long:
Earthquake – actually just a tremor!
A humming bird on Pamela and Amy's balcony |
We were reminded that we were near an active volcano and on the
edge of the ‘Ring of Fire’ whilst still in Bocas del Toro on Sunday of last
week (Jackie forgot to mention it in the last blog). Sitting in our apartment
we suddenly felt a swaying movement, like someone was gently shaking you to
wake you up but with not a sound. It took a moment to realise what was
happening and it only went on for a minute, long enough to sharpen the senses,
look outside and go out to check with others, who had all come out as well. It
stopped and we thought no more of it, that was until we got to Cerro Punta
where Gudrun, told us that the quake was
centred about 1km from her house, right by the volcano.
Look what we found in one of the shops |
Bocas del Toro is only
about 35km away. She had no damage, but things fell off shelves and gave her
quite a fright at the time and during the many aftershocks she felt for the
following week. Disappointingly we didn’t feel any aftershocks while we were
On Sunday we bumbled around Boquete, Jackie and Pamela going into
town so Jackie could get a haircut, Pamela get her nails done and to translate
for Jackie. In the afternoon we walked into town for an Easter parade that
looked about to happen. The main street was closed to traffic, viewing
platforms had been arranged, seats placed along the street, there was a dog
show going on and lots of people about. We waited and eventually a police car
came down slowly, followed by dancers, a band and then just a load of people on
horses. A rum wagon and a beer wagon were amongst them handing out alcohol to
all the riders, probably not a good combination of slightly inebriated riders,
and big horses next to people, but it all seemed to work and we even got a rum
drink from the wagon. It was the locally brewed Panama rum called Abuela that
Jackie had bought for Wendi on Bocas, half rum and half ice – very strong and
very nice!
Who's a pretty boy then? |
Volcan Baru Hike
Flower gardens in Boquete |
I had thought long and hard about doing this on our own. Most things
we had read indicated that a guide was mandatory, but it’s also possible to get
a jeep ride to the top and we’d heard the track was in pretty good condition,
despite the recent earthquake. How hard can it be? It’s clearly marked on
Google Maps and I’d put it into my GPS and into my phone, altitude would be the
only problem as I’m not good at altitude. We could always turn round if it’s
too hard I told Jackie (not a chance while I’m still breathing I told myself!).
She looks elfy (ha-ha!) |
I was helped in my quest to persuade her by another German couple who were
staying in the other room at Pamela and Amy’s. They were going to do it on
their own, going up one day, camping at the top and coming down the next day –
the day we planned to go up, we’d see them on their way down. As they were
preparing to leave another young couple appeared at the house to take over
their room. They had just arrived from Panama City on the overnight bus,
intended to get a late afternoon/early evening sleep and then hike up on their
own overnight to catch the sunrise. We’d therefore also see them coming down as
we go up.
The start of the parade in Boquete on Sunday |
Followed by lots and lots of people on horses |
Well, I talked her into it, so Pamela arranged a taxi to collect
us at 06:00am and take us to the start, but she was so concerned, even fit
people she knows take 5 hours to get to the top (did she think we looked
unfit/too old?), so if we weren’t down by say 5:00pm she would alert some
people. Don’t worry we told her, we’ll be fine. Anyway, Jackie only agreed as
long as I agreed to turn round at 5.5 hours if we weren’t at the summit. Fine I
said. It starts at 1700m and goes up to 3475m, so it’s over 1700m of ascent and
well into my altitude sickness zone, but I was going to do it! Along with the
13.5 km each way!
Jackie looking happy with her Abuelo rum |
Off we went making good progress, passing the 4.5km mark 1.5
hours. That’s about 4.5 hours by that timing, but I was sure we’d be slower in
the higher thinner air. We pressed on, passed the 6.25km halfway mark and still
no people coming down. At about 7km we saw the first three people coming down,
then a four wheel drive carrying about three people (shame on you!) and,
shortly after at about the 8km mark the young couple who’d set off at midnight.
He looked bad and was clearly suffering, but they were going down. ‘You’ve done
the worst steepest part’ they said, apart from the steep bit right at the end.
Sunrise at the start of the Volcan Baru hike |
Quite a while later we saw the German couple who had camped on
top, both looking in good shape. Both couples had taken far more water than the
2 litres we had and we’d already finished 1 litre, so they gladly offloaded a
litre onto us, adding 1kg load to the rucksack Jackie was now carrying. I have
to add that I carried it for 95% of the time, but asked her to take over as it
was making my previously damaged shoulder ache. It just so happened that they
appeared during the small time she was carrying it. Obviously Jackie made the
most of it!
Just to show that Jackie does occasionally carry the rucksack |
So as we went on my old friend altitude sickness began to creep up
on me, very mildly. Tightness in the head, a slight sick feeling, legs with
absolutely no energy and just feeling so tired. Steps uphill became slower, and
breaks more frequent to stop my heart nearly pounding out of my chest. I
couldn’t stop to wait for my heartbeat to come down too much as time would have
got away, so I pressed on only having to stop after 100m, then 50m then 25m.
Will I make it, sure I will, we’re not far from the summit and still under 5
The 12km marker, just 1.5km to go. Feeling quite knackered at this point |
I saw Jackie reach a flat between the many transmission masts
placed on the top, but even then I had to have a final rest not 10m from her as
I just couldn’t do it in one. She just doesn’t suffer in the same way with
altitude, she is so lucky!
Anyway, I made it and to a fabulous view, the crater of the
volcano way below us, the city of David in the distance and the Pacific Ocean
beyond that. Turning clockwise we could see what we think was Cerro Punta and
Boquete far below us.
On the highest point 3475m |
Beyond that were the islands of Bocas del Toro in the
Atlantic Ocean. We’d made it and what a view. Well actually we hadn’t quite
made it, there was a higher rocky bit with a cross on the top. ‘We have to go
up there’ I told Jackie, her shoulders slumped forward and she said ‘no we
don’t’. ‘Yes we do’ I said and set off, asking her to take the rucksack again.
There were no other people around so she left it there and said we don’t need
to take that up there, so we set off with some snacks and water.
Looking down into the crater. The Pacific is in the distance on left and centre. Just to the right of the pointy rock on the right is the city of David, 38km away |
Oh, and by the way, I made it too! |
Ahead she reached a post and was resting there when I struggled up
in about three attempts, hoping that I hadn’t seen the cross on an even higher
bit. ‘Come on’ I told her setting off for it. ‘We don’t need to go up there’ I
could hear her saying as I started on up the scramble over the rocks. She was
behind me and finally we got to the cross and the highest point.
‘What time is it?’ I asked her. ‘Nearly 11:15’ she said. We
started at 06:10 from the taxi so we did it in just about 5 hours! ‘Only very
fit people do it in that time’ Pamela told us and even the young couple who
started at midnight took 5.5 hours, so there’s life left in us old uns yet!
Jackie would have carved a good 20 minutes off that time if I hadn’t held her
The Atlantic Ocean and islands of Bocas del Toro |
So we took some photos, drank some water, ate some salted peanuts
(good for stopping cramp) and headed down. We made good progress, down in 3.5
hours, but it just went on and on and we were walking almost in automatic mode
hardly speaking. ‘I just want to get down and have a pint’ Jackie said, ‘that’s
the only thing that’s driving me!’
Looking the other way and you can see the Pacific Ocean |
It was thoroughly arduous, on the way up, on a very rough track
that caused us to slide about on its steep slope and almost fall over on a
number of occasions. Relentless on the way down we encountered a four wheel
drive vehicle, followed by a JCB type digger, followed by a bulldozer that was
too wide for the track. He just blundered through with it causing boulders and
soil to fall in its wake, making the path beyond for us quite broken and even
more difficult.
Here's where we were and how we could see both oceans |
In summary, is it worth it? Well, being able to see both oceans
from the top is cool, but there’s little else to merit it. Had we paid for a
guide at US$130 each I’d have been very disappointed. As it was we only had
tired legs!
Here's our plotted route up and down the volcano. 28km in all and 1700m of ascent. 5 hours up, 3.5 hours down |
Did we mention there were a few transmission masts on the top? |
Today we’ve left Boquete and taken the bus to David. Another
Airbnb run by a guy who wants to have the village hall in his back room, so
today was yoga. Would we like to join in? As it was it was just the three of
us, and he is carrying an injury, so when we explained to the teacher we did
Baru yesterday, she structured the whole class round stretching for us. We even
got some massage during the relaxation. It was a truly joyous experience,
neither of us expected, another great travelling experience. We stay here
tonight and take the 8 hour bus to Panama City tomorrow for a week. It’s the
start of the Easter holidays now and people have told us of mayhem on the
busses with people trying to get away, but after speaking to people at the bus
station they tell us no-one will be going to Panama City, they are all trying
to get away. Let’s hope so – we’ll see!
This was the final little bit up from the crater rim to the summit cross. Not far, but it was hard work! |
Jackie coming down the scramble from the summit cross |
The forested crater. There's big cats somewhere in there, apparently two young female travellers were killed and eaten a couple of years ago after they got lost. A boot with a foot in it was found along with other remains. Their camera told the story, which is why there have been moves to make it a guide only hike |
Stopped in our tracks to let a four wheel drive vehicle pass... |
And a JCB type digger... |
And this Bulldozer, too wide for the track, but that didn't stop him! |
On our second pint in the brewery afterwards. Jackie looking particularly knackered I think! Yes there is some condensation on the outside of the glasses, because they do chill the beer slightly. The brewer completely agreed with us that serving it at cellar temperature as we do in the UK brings out the flavour more, but he says locals demand chilled beer, so he chills it just a bit. Still plenty of flavour though, he does a great job |
Looks like you are having a fab time. Weird thinking it's so cold at night. The Q bird is amazing! Xxx
Looks great and reminds me of my travels many moons ago. Should start saving up to do something similar!
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