Thursday, 11 September 2014

And then there were three

Jackie, me (mum/Pauline) and Brian enjoying an ice cream

Well, I never thought I’d stay on a ranch but here I am and it’s amazing.  Never thought I’d share a property with so many animals either, but they’re all very friendly.  The squirrels dash about – they have their own feeder but like the overflow from the birds’; the goats lead Brian a merry dance but he seems quite attached to them – talk about escape artists! 

One of the little humming birds
When the dogs want a stroke they come and nudge you and their eyes are so pleading you wouldn’t have the heart not to comply.  But what I really can’t take my eyes off are the humming birds.  You have never seen anything so tiny but perfectly formed as them.  But I understand they will soon be off to warmer climes so I’ve been very lucky.  But how anything so tiny has the strength to get anywhere significant I can’t imagine.

Out in the ranch with the dogs
That's the lake overflow under Brian
I don’t know if J and B thought they were escaping when they started this adventure but if so they have been sadly disappointed because I’ve just popped up again.  Flew into Denver and had a day to reacclimatise, though I don’t think Denver has a huge amount to recommend it, apart from the state capital building (the one with the famous mile high markers – all 3 different ones) where I joined a guided tour given by the most enthusiastic volunteer and was really interesting.  The next day J and B picked me up and brought me here for the start of three weeks’ travel to Las Vegas.

Jackie and Brian showing off their loom bands made by Caroline and brought out by Pauline
A hourse encounter on the ranch
The blog’s only growing very slowly because Jackie and I are having a domestic morning while Brian takes friends to the airport and we’ve got West Side Story on – one of my favourite musicals; but such a distraction.  It’s raining so we haven’t taken the dogs for the planned walk – our excuse being that when B has been driving for 4-5 hours he’ll be ready to stretch his legs!

Coda would go for a ride in the car, but Jet wouldn't get in. We had to go for a walk from the house instead
Yesterday we took a scenic drive along a creek – and it really was scenic.  We all wanted the canoes we’d had in NZ.  We felt that all that was needed to complete the picture was a bear hunting for fish but we only managed bear footprints.  Ah well, I dare say we would have hurried back to the car if our wish had been granted.  When we got to the biggest rapids we did find someone in his canoe being filmed doing it (we never found out why) so in the action stakes all our “achievements” were rather on the vicarious side.  But it was lovely.  

The bear print in the mud
After lunch we went for a walk, as directed by the owners of this lovely house, in the hope that we might find some arrowheads in an area that had once been settled by Indians.  Again we didn’t achieve but the view was a very satisfactory consolation prize.  I expect B has/will pick out photos to verify what I say.  Never known anyone take so many photos – it’s good job we’re well passed the era of taking the film to Boots and paying for each photo developed – they would have to cut their travels by half if that still pertained.

On the way to the Indian Rings site
We searched in vain for arrow heads

One of many turkey vultures circling round at sunset
Most of the things I have to add are before Mum arrived – we did use the hot tub, which was warmer than the average bath and very pleasant. We went to Fort Collins to do some food shopping, not exciting in itself, but the Old Town is very pleasant, so we had a light lunch out, and listened to a very talented man playing and singing at one of the town pianos, he appeared to have been cycle touring judging by the size of his panniers, and just got off and started playing!

Evening snacks and margaritas!
We all tried a margarita last night, having been introduced to tequila slammers on our first night by Kristy and Larry, which even though we were given the ‘good stuff’ brought tears to the eyes, we were left with the recipe and ingredients, so it seemed rude not to try! Enjoyed it, but not sure I’d drink it with dinner as we’ve seen some people doing!

Jack the rooster, chest puffed out in full voice
Oreo and Hermes the goats, with the dogs on the day out in the yard
Having had two ‘woofing’ nights we’ve had two really peaceful nights (should I say that before our last night) though Mum’s first night the dogs were so quiet, she thought Jet was dead! He’d done this to me the other evening, wouldn’t wake up, but he was obviously dreaming as he was twitching. She’d had to step over him to get to the loo and then couldn’t see him breathing, and then he wouldn’t wake up, even though he finally did, it had really shaken and woken her up, so she didn’t sleep so well!

Dogs, goats and chickens relaxing in the garden!
Hermes welcomes Jackie back after she fed the feral cats

Helloooo! I'm Oreo!

Playtime over, Oreo is not keen on going back into his pen

Even when tempted by his favorite Fritos crispy snack. The dogs weren't much help, but Oreo eventually wandered back in on his own (fortunately!)
Pauline and Jackie

1 comment:

Monty Dog said...

Hi Pauline, lovely to have you back blogging again. Do give the dogs and goats fuss from us. I (Helen) used to keep Goats and know how wilful they can be. A nice Hazel branch will help to lead them back into their pens.
Have fun. Xxx

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